Saturday, 9 April 2016

7th week : Online class

So Dr Rosseni decide to conduct an online class sice it is going to be a holiday. It is very kind of her to let us have a break and let us go back early to our hometown.

However, our team member still dicussing about our storyboard in the social media, We choose to discuss it further on whatsapp group. It is much more convenient that way. We decided to choose the awareness on using the Public Transport and young children as our target group. I think wee need to discuss it further on  how we wanted to convey our story board. Well, this is to give them more knowledge thus i think it is necessary for us to discuss it further regarding it. But for now, Happy holiday dear friends! See you guys next week!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

The 6th week

So for the sixth week, Dr Khalid conducted our class and briefly explained about video. For our class today, Dr Khalid explained to us about video. He taught us about multimedia and the use of it in our daily life. I was very excited and thrilled at the same time. So we need to createa video for our final project? He explained about the audio, lighting and the contrasting colour that we need to put on our final video. Wow how cool is that?

However, as all of our group members agreed upon. We decided to come out with the interesting topic which is the awareness in using the public transport. Of course in every video, we must have a target audience right? As for our video, we decided to implement the awareness of public transport to the young children, Such the age of 7-10 years old.

Why do we choose young children? Because we feel that children at this age are still learning about the outside world and they are still lack of the idea how does the public transport actually affected their life.

Dr Khalid gave us sometime for us to discuss further on how we would like to create our video. It wa fun to create it with my group member. They are super cool.